MSME Community Service Activities in Puri Utami

Making Association Module, Accounting Training and Re-Design of Puri Utami’s Social Media Cover

Puri Utami is one of the UMKM Partners of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Telkom University, which is located on Jl. Sinom No.15, Turangga, Kec. Lengkong, Bandung City, West Java 40264 (Figure 1.2). This MSME is located about 8.2 KM from Telkom University. This MSME is engaged in Muslim fashion, namely Mukena. The mukena that is sold has its own characteristics, namely the detail of the motif, the material used (not easy to shrink when in the laundry), neat stitching and a friendly price. This business is run by a mother named Lelly Dewi Utami.

One of Puri Utami's Products
One of Puri Utami’s Products

This business is run by Mrs. Lelly herself. Although not a large MSME, Mrs. Lelly has started marketing her products to various platforms, both social media and online shops. The social media used are Instagram (@puriutami_mukena) and Facebook (@Puri-Utami-Mukena). As for sales, Puri Utami uses online shop assistance, namely Tokopedia (puri-utami) and Bli-Bli (umkm-puri-utami). However, transaction management is still done manually. There is no application that helps record and helps owners to see financial position. In addition, there is no special website that promotes products from Puri Utami. With social media, knowledge or training on digital marketing strategies is also needed to be able to help marketing better and more on target.

This abdimas activity is a continuation of the abdimas activities that have been carried out previously by Lecturers of the D3 Accounting Information System Study Program, D3 Marketing and D3 Information Systems Study Program students, Faculty of Applied Sciences. The output of this advanced community service is a web-based application for managing market basket analysis of Puri Utami MSME sales data using a data mining association technique approach. In addition, accounting training is also provided as a provision of partner knowledge in understanding the concept of accounting records so that the financial position of MSMEs can be seen properly. To support marketing optimization through the use of social media, training on re-designing social media covers was also added as part of this activity. The redesign was carried out on several social media such as IG (feed, IG Story), Face Book, WA, etc.

Re-desain Cover Sosial Media UMKM Puri Utami
Re-desain Cover SMES Puri Utami Media Social
Association Module Display Explanation
Basic Accounting Training