Community Activities: Recording of Income and Asset Management of Muthahhari Smart Elementary School
The D3 Accounting Information System Study Program through the Regular Scheme Community Service activity entitled “Development and Implementation of Bandung Private School Income Application Prototype Case Study of Motahhari Bandung Smart School” and “Development and Implementation of Application Prototype Recording and Asset Management for Muthahhari Smart Elementary School Bandung” held an application socialization against the school.

This socialization activity was carried out online through the Zoom Application on Monday, December 14 2020 at 10:00 to 12:00. This activity was attended by the Head of SD Cerdas Muthahhari Bandung (Mr. Rizky Hamdani) and his staff, both Head of Curriculum (Mrs. Wiwin), Public Relations (Mrs. Iis Rosilah), Head of Sarpras (Bpk Fahmi), Finance (Bu Rini), ICT (Bpk Yosep) and Teacher Representative (Bu Windi). The team from Telkom University, namely Mrs. Asti Widayanti, Bpk Kastaman, Mrs. Idola Perdini Putri, M. Fadhillah Rizky Ramadhan, Yasinta Rizki Amalia, Yasinta Earlyda Permata Putri, Mrs. Irna Yuniar, Bpk Rashwyshnoe Boing, Bpk Tora Fahrudin and Nadya Saras Dheavy Hidayat.

Applications built in community service activities this time take the theme Income Management and Asset Management. This is motivated by the need for schools to record and manage the components of student payment costs which vary and change every year. This is in line with the uniqueness of the Muthahhari Smart SD Bandung, which imposes a different special discount for each student depending on the economic conditions of the parents of each student.

This activity received good appreciation from the Motahhari Smart Elementary School, “I think this application is extraordinary, because the cost discount if calculated manually takes a very long time”, he said. In addition, Mr. Fahmi as Head of Facilities and Prasana also expressed a similar appreciation for asset management applications. “This is an extraordinary work. Through this application, I can imagine a good asset management and hopefully it can help me in the future, “said Mr. Fahmi.

With this community service activity, SD Cerdas Muthahhari Bandung is looking forward to the continuation of the collaboration between D3 Accounting Information System Study Program and Muthahhari Smart Elementary School Bandung both through Final Project and Internships.