Webinar Series: Blockchain Technology and Applications
Telkom University, Indonesia in collaboration with Saxion University of Applied Science, The Netherlands held a Webinar on the theme of Blockchain.
The webinar initiated by the SPIO Directorate will be divided into 2 sessions:
Session 1: Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 14.30 WIB
1. Anak Agung Gde Agung, S.T., M.M. (Telkom University): “An Introduction to Blockchain”
2. Andry Alamsyah, Ph.D. (Telkom University): “Blockchain Implementation & Potential Applications”
3. Christa Barkel (Saxion University of Applied Science): “Blockchain Ecosystem”
Session 1: Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 14.30 WIB
1. George Garritsen (Saxion University of Applied Science): “Blockchain in Health”
2. Prof Jan Veuger (Saxion University of Applied Science): “Blockchain in Decentralized Finance & Finance”
3. Ari Moesriami Barmawi, Ph.D. (Telkom University): “Blockchain Security”
Nationality members to register at:
http://bit.ly/telu-blockchain (for students)
http://bit.ly/blockchainnonstudent (for non-students)
Zoom Meeting will be shared on D-1 of the event.
Register immediately because the quota is limited