Website Marketing and Financial Management at Puri Utami

Puri Utami is one of the UMKM Partners of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Telkom University, which is located on Jl. Sinom No.15, Turangga, Kec. Lengkong, Bandung City, West Java 40264 (Figure 1.2). This MSME is located about 8.2 KM from Telkom University. This MSME is engaged in Muslim fashion, namely Mukena. The mukena that is sold has its own characteristics, namely the detail of the motif, the material used (not easy to shrink when in the laundry), neat stitching and a friendly price. This business is run by a mother named Lelly Dewi Utami.

One of Puri Utami's Products

One of Puri Utami’s Products

This business is run by Mrs. Lelly herself. Although not a large MSME, Mrs. Lelly has started marketing her products to various platforms, both social media and online shops. The social media used are Instagram (@puriutami_mukena) and Facebook (@Puri-Utami-Mukena). As for sales, Puri Utami uses online shop assistance, namely Tokopedia (puri-utami) and Bli-Bli (umkm-puri-utami). However, transaction management is still done manually. There is no application that helps record and helps owners to see financial position. In addition, there is no special website that promotes products from Puri Utami. With social media, knowledge or training on digital marketing strategies is also needed to be able to help marketing better and more on target.

Through regular scheme community service activities, which are attended by D3 Accounting Information Systems Study Program Lecturers, Marketing D3 Study Program students and D3 Information Systems Study Program students, Faculty of Applied Sciences are expected to be able to provide solutions to the partner’s problems. The output of this community service is a web-based application for marketing and financial management, cash-in-cash-out reporting. In addition, digital marketing training is also provided to help MSMEs to maximize their marketing through digital media.

Puri Utami MSME Product Gallery

Puri Utami MSME Product Gallery


Digital Marketing Training by Mrs. Rennya Yusiana

Digital Marketing Training by Mrs. Rennya Yusiana


General Journal Application Display Explanation Tampilan

General Journal Application Display Explanation Tampilan


1. Dr. Tora Fahrudin, S.T., M.T. (Chairman)
2. Dr. Nelsi Wisna, S.E., M.Si (Implementing Member, D3SIA study program)
3. Rennyta Yusiana, S.E., M.M. (Implementing Member, D3MP study program)
4. Made Widiadnyani Triswinadi (Implementing Member, D3SIA Study Program)
5. Fatharani Eka Putri (Implementing Member, SIA D3 Study Program)
6. Novela Dyah Anggi Prabandari (Implementing Member, SIA D3 Study Program)
7. Annisa Ardillah (Implementing Member, SIA D3 Study Program)
8. Takrimia Hanifatu Afifah (Implementing Member, SIA D3 Study Program)